Monday, May 11, 2015

Let's just jump right in, shall we? I embark on my adventure in building a costume worn by Wilma Deering (Erin Gray) on the late 1970s/early 1980s TV show, Buck Rogers, I'm taking on the adventure of dyeing Nylon spandex.

I know it can be done and know what type of dye to use, I had just hoped I wouldn't need to.
At least this way I can get the exact color I need; a pretty medium, warm pink. Almost a coral.
I'm having more trouble with the wig that will go with this particular project, and I can already tell it may be more work than the costume itself.

I'm still wig hunting for this costume and I'm having a hell of a time finding a wig, that will give me Wilma's 1970s/80s color combo and style, that won't ruin me financially.
I'm also tempted to just do this to my own pale blonde hair. Maybe not nearly as dark in back as Erin Gray had on the show, but a warm golden chestnut and the lighter golden highlights blending from the top front.
My revisit to brunette tresses two years ago with temp color was really fun, and I must say I look damn good with darker hair, too ;-)
The only thing really stopping me, is that ***a wig will keep it's style in Atlanta*** My own hair, probably not so much.

This is a great description of the popular, crazy and campy Buck Rogers episode that inspired me to go with Wilma Deering's pink costume.

CULT TV FLASHBACK # 72: Buck Rogers in the 25th Century: "Space Vampire" (1980)
Now if I can just get my friend Anders to be the Vorvon, muwahah!This costume Isn't as insanely specific as some might think. Google Wilma Deering and it pops up right next to the more often seen purple or blue spandex ensembles, and the white flight suit.
Stay tuned to follow the progress of this, and a few other Si-Fi related cosplays I'll be putting together for Dragon Con 2015!

Under the spell of the Vorvon...I can't stop giggling at this gif.

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